Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Thoughts On Life

Hmmmmmmm, let's What is the meaning of life? Can I sum it up in 200 words or less? Absolutely not. All I can say that from my own experience Life can SUCK. But, on the other hand, when you think beyond what is "sucky" about it, when you know that God has His hand in it, then you can rest assured that no matter what, no matter how devastating, awful, terrible it can be, that your suffering and pain ARE not in vain. You can offer all your painfulness to the ONE WHO SUFFERED FOR ALL OF US. That is redemptive suffering; it is NOT in vain. If you want to know more about redemptive suffering, life, love, spirituality then please go to for more information.

Let me back track. About fifteen years ago I went through a rough patch. I won't bore you with the details but if it weren't for my Catholic faith I don't believe I would have been able to cope. Now, I know some of you might think , "oh, she used her faith as a crutch", and you might be right in one respect. But Jesus told his disciples, give me your burdens;for my yoke is not heavy and my burden is light. Don't we all need someone to help us get through this existence called LIFE? And, I like this passage from the Psalms: "I can do all things with God who strengthens me." And didn't He tell us to love one another as I HAVE LOVED YOU? So if we are to love one another as He loved us, in one way that means we do what we have to do in order to do for others; and no matter how boring or tedious it may be, we are blessed. I think Mother Theresa said to do small things with great love is better than to to great things with no love.

But on a more secular note, as parents, as adults, as members of the human race, we work to put food on the table, clothes on our backs, a roof over our heads. Some are more fortunate than others and do it the way they want to. Others don't have that luxury for one reason or another.
But no matter how it's done, it's done out of love. The real deal kind of love. Either way, we are blessed by our Heavenly Father in ways we even aren't aware of. Now I'm gettin' spiritual again............eeeks. My husband is like that. Stayed with a tedious job for 35 years to support his family. But he chose to be a machinist; he was lucky he knew exactly what he wanted to do. Still at it; that's his ethic. He always put others first; me, his children, his family. Now I'm rambling. DO WHAT YA GOTTA DO.

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